Mission Statement
The River Heads Progress Assn Inc. (RHPA) endeavours to provide the community, individuals and businesses with a healthy, safe, habitable and sustainable environment by the provision of social and cultural services and a sense of belonging.
RHPA will provide these services through community, government and business collaboration, open communication and transparent processes within the bounds of sound financial practices. Economic and social growth is encouraged through progressive, innovative and responsible management and planning strategies catering to the needs of the community
These By-laws are in accordance with RULE 42 of the Constitution of the River Heads Progress Association Incorporated (RHPA) as follows:
42 By-laws
(1) The management committee may make, amend or repeal By-laws, not inconsistent with these rules, for the internal management of RHPA.
(2) A By-law may be set aside by a vote of members at a general meeting of the RHPA.
RHPA became first incorporated in 1994, after 7 years fundraising by local residence groups.
As a result of the rejoint funding and council assistance the Hall was built in 2002.
The hall has been operational since providing activities, facilities, and services to the community.
Community Hall and Facilities
RHPA has the following:
1. Café which has a fully equipment commercial kitchen for hire.
2. Kitchenette.
3. Bar with a restricted liquor permit.
4. Deck, gazebo, and grounds are for hire.
5. Community garden which supplies to the River’s Bistro.
6. Library – free books to loan anytime the hall is opened except during private functions.
7. Full PA system with overhead projector.
8. Fishing Club shed.
9. Reserve shed located at Seafarer Oval with a canteen, cricket pitch, play and exercise equipment, walking paths and toilets. Off street parking available.
Annual General & Special General Meetings
In accordance with (IAW) the Constitution, at least 14 days’ notice in writing must be given for an Annual General Meeting (AGM) OR Special General Meeting (SFM).
Only RHPA financial members can vote.
Proxy Voting
Proxy voting is permissible. Proxy votes must be duly signed on the appropriate form and only current financial members or life members can issue a proxy vote.
Nominations For Management Committee
1. Only RHPA financial members can nominate for Management Committee.
2. Nominations for positions will be called when notice of AGM or SGM is issued at least 7 days prior.
3. Nominations must be on the appropriate form, nominated and seconded by another financial member and then email to the Secretary secretary@riverheads.org.au or placed in the letterbox located under the sign near the children’s playground.
4. Nominations for Management Committee positions will close 7 days prior to AGM or SGM in order for the Management Committee to consider suitability of each nominee.
5. Where a nomination is received in accordance with this By-Law, no further nominations will be taken from the floor. However, if there are no written nominations for a position, then nominations may be taken from the floor.
Management Committee Members
The Management Committee of the Association will be responsible for the overall management of the River Heads Progress Association Inc. hall and facilities.
The Management Committee of the RHPA will:
1. Promote the provision of the hall and facilities to the community for recreational, educational, sporting, social and wellbeing activities.
2. Evaluate approaches to the planning, co-ordination and delivery of facilities to ensure community needs are being met.
3. Provide a central resource for use by the community.
4. Facilitate innovations and programs aimed specifically at all community members, and in particular, reference to the RHPA Strategic Plan. www.riverheads.org.au/strategic
Roles and Responsibilities of Executive Committee Members
The Management Committee may alter, amend, vary, add or delete any of the following roles and responsibilities.
Executive Committee:
Comprises of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.
1. The Executive Committee has the power to control and manage the affairs and finances of the RHPA but shall be responsible to the Management Committee.
2. The Executive Committee may meet in between meetings of the RHPA to discuss items of an urgent or ongoing nature but does not need to meet on a regular basis.
3. Minutes and/or decisions from an Executive Committee meeting must be presented to and ratified at the next Management Committee meeting.
1. Chairs all Executive and Management Committee meetings
2. Is aware of the legal and constitutional requirements of RHPA. Offers constitutional advice to the Executive and/or Management Committee when required.
3. Ensures meetings are conducted in accordance with accepted meeting protocols
4. In conjunction with the Secretary and Registrar, ensures member’s eligibility regarding voting rights.
5. Ensures all licensing requirements are met and that all licences are obtained/renewed in a timely manner in liaison with Café/Bar Manager and Tourist Radio Manager.
6. Acts as the public representative for the RHPA.
7. Ensures that other office bearers fulfil their functions and responsibilities. Ensures adequate and efficient communication exists between members, committees, council and government
8. Encourages others to participate in the activities and objectives of the RHPA
9. In addition to the Treasurer and one others, acts as a signatory on the RHPA’s banking accounts.
10. Chairs Strategic Planning Sub-committee meetings and ensures that the RHPA’s Business and/or Strategic Plan is drawn up and monitored
11. Ensures that all RHPA business is conducted in a proper and transparent manner
12. Presents a report to all Management Committee, Annual General and Special General meetings
13. Applies for grants as and when needed.
14. Oversees website/facebook content
Vice President:
1. Chairs meetings in the absence of the President
2. Undertakes the role of President in the President’s absence
3. Undertakes tasks as requested by the President
4. Oversees all facilities of the RHPA and acts as Chairperson of Facilities Sub-Committee
5. Oversees the security of all RHPA facilities and makes recommendations to the Management Committee
6. Makes recommendations to the RHPA regarding improvements and/or additions to facilities
7. Presents a report to all Management Committee, Annual General and Special General Meetings.
1. Is aware of the legal and constitutional requirements of the RHPA constitutional advice to the Executive and/or Management Committee when required
2. Liaises with the RHPA’s Honorary Solicitor as required
3. Arranges for collection of the RHPA’s mail
4. Conducts all the RHPA’s correspondence
5. Maintains custody of all RHPA records, documents and historical artefacts
6. Liaises with Office of Fair-Trading regarding changes to Constitution, Office Bearers, etc.
7. In conjunction with the Treasurer, prepares and lodges Annual Return of RHPA with Office of Fair Trading
8. In addition to the Treasurer and specified executive members, acts as a signatory on the RHPA’s banking accounts
9. Liaises with Webmaster in regard to website content
10. Prepares full and accurate Minutes of all RHPA Meetings Prepares and circulates an Agenda prior to each meeting
11. Records exact wording of motions and amendments as they are presented
12. Records the names of those members present at the meeting and any apologies
13. In conjunction with the President, ensures member’s eligibility regarding voting rights
14. Presents a report to all Management Committee, Annual General and Special General meetings
1. Takes responsibility for all moneys received or expended on behalf of the RHPA, including sub-committees, except Fishing Club
2. Acts as signatory on all RHPA banking accounts Banks all moneys received by the RHPA
3. Issues cheques on behalf of the RHPA as required
4. Ensures all moneys received by the RHPA or its committee members is properly receipted
5. Ensures all EFTPOS transactions are recorded and accounted for
6. Ensures adequate records are kept of all advertisers in the RH Review and invoices advertisers
7. Issues invitations to advertisers to renew their advertising subscriptions each financial year
8. Liaises with Review Editor regarding new or discontinued advertisers
9. Ensures proper bookkeeping processes are established and adhered to
10. Ensures financial management by establishing a budget, monitoring the budget, controlling outstanding debts and understanding and using the information contained in financial reports
11. Oversees all fundraising activities undertaken on behalf of RHPA, produces financial reports for all Management Committee and Annual General or Special General Meetings
12. Ensures the Association books are audited in a timely manner to present to Annual General Meeting
13. Establishes processes to ensure all Association takings are receipted, accounted for, and reported
14. Prepares and maintains an Asset Register of all Association assets and equipment
15. Presents a report to all Management Committee, Annual General and Special General meetings
Roles and Responsibilities of Management Committee Members
General Committee Members
1. Attend all Management Committee and General Meetings of the RHPA
2. Assist where required
Assistant Secretary:
1. Undertakes the role of Secretary in the Secretary’s absence
2. Assists the Secretary as required
3. Ensures meeting venue is organised and set up
Assistant Treasurer:
1. Acts as Treasurer in the absence of the Treasurer
2. Oversees the production of membership cards
3. Assist the Treasurer with Audit preparation of the books.
4. Assists the Treasurer as required.
1. Maintains an up-to-date register of all financial members of the RHPA, preferably in
electronic format
2. Advises the Executive on matters relevant to membership and voting rights
3. Provides President and Treasurer with the names and details of outstanding memberships 2-month past renewal date.
Social Media Coordinator:
1. Oversees promotion and advertising of events and happenings on behalf of the
2. Oversees all social media on behalf of RHPA
3. Makes recommendations to Management Committee for improvements or additions
to Facebook page
4. Make recommendations to the Management Committee regarding sponsorship
5. Makes recommendations to the Management Committee regarding the promotion
of the RH Review and/or the RHPA on social media
1. Oversees the technical aspects of the RHPA website – www.riverheads.org.au
2. Oversees the technical aspects of the RHPA Facebook page – www.facebook.com/RHPA
3. Uploads information given in a timely manner
4. Makes recommendations to Management Committee for improvements or additions
to website page
5. Presents a report to all Management Committee, Annual General and Special
General meetings
Food & Beverage Manager:
1. Oversees the running of the kitchen and bar.
2. Organises certification of staff on food handling practices and Responsible Service of Alcohol and ensures all staff adhere to the regulations
3. Undertakes a stocktake Monthly
4. Sources volunteer kitchen staff for special functions
5. Is a member of the Facilities Sub-committee
6. Makes suggestions to Executive/Management Committee in consultation with the
Chef regarding pricing, purchasing and display of food
7. Food Manager will be issued with a debit card to make purchases for the cafe
8. Oversees the purchasing of food items
9. Oversees the cleanliness of premises
10. Oversees paid and volunteer kitchen and bar staff
11. Ensures that the correct food and liquor licensing maintained and reports any anomalies to Executive
12. Prepares and maintains a Kitchen and Bar Asset Register and provides to
Treasurer as required
13. Presents a report to all Management Committee, Annual General and Special
General meetings
Bar Co-ordinator:
1. Will purchase a variety of liquor in liaison with Food & Beverage Manager and Treasurer.
2. Will be issued with a Debit Card to make purchases for the bar. Reimbursement (if necessary) will be made on presentation of invoice/receipt.
3. Makes suggestions to Executive/Management Committee regarding pricing,
purchasing and display of liquor, including specials
4. Undertakes duties as required by Food & Beverage Manager
5. The bar area will be restricted to bar staff only
6. Oversees the cleanliness of premises
7. Ensures the correct liquor licensing is maintained and reports any anomalies to Food & Beverage Manager
8. Prepares and maintains the Bar Asset Register and present to Treasurer as
9. Check for restocking after bar openings
10. Presents a report to all Management Committee, Annual General and Special
General meetings
Events Coordinator:
1. Makes suggestions to Management Committee on events, presentation, display etc.
2. Oversees the running of all events
3. Coordinates all events raffles run by the RHPA and sources the prizes
4. Reports to Management Committee post-events
Hall Bookings Coordinator:
1. Oversees and records all hall booking enquiries and hirings
2. Makes available to clients all necessary paperwork, costings etc.
3. Reports to Management Committee
Emergency Coordinator:
1. Be the first point of contact in the event of an emergency situation
2. Liaise with Council’s Emergency Unit, particularly regarding generator
3. Liaise with Fraser Coast Tourist Radio regarding emergency message broadcasting
and wording
4. Attend Community Coordination Meetings
5. Review and update emergency procedures – eg first aid courses; defibrillator
6. Make recommendations and report to Management Committee
Roster Coordinator:
1. Prepares and distributes monthly volunteer roster and any amendments
2. Reports to Management Committee
3. Liaise with the social media co-ordinator to advertise for volunteers
Key Registrar:
1. Maintains a register of all Association key holders Issue keys as required
2. Retrieve keys from retiring key holders
3. Report to Management Committee
Fishing Club Delegate:
1. Acts as the conduit between Management Committee and Fishing Club
2. Keeps Management Committee informed of Fishing Club activities
3. Forward annually all Bi Laws and Constitution to Secretary for record keeping
4. Attends Management Committee meetings and AGM
Review Editor:
1. Produces the Review in the first week of each month Liaises with Treasurer in regard
to advertising
2. Makes suggestions to Management Committee regarding content and format
of Review
3. Prepares posters for events as required
4. Presents a report to all Management Committee, Annual General and Special
General meetings
5. Liaises with Webmaster regarding website content
1. Sub-committees and their members may decide their own times and places of
meetings and may elect their own Chairperson (if not previously determined).
2. The President and Secretary are ex-officio on all sub-committees and therefore
entitled to vote.
3. Decisions of sub-committees are subject to the approval of the Management
Committee and must report to all Management Committee meetings.
4. Sub-committees of RHPA, must liaise with the RHPA Treasurer in regard to handling,
collection and spending of Public monies.
5. Sub-committees are at liberty to seek their own sponsorship/donations provided it
does not contravene or damage other RHPA sponsorships.
6. Powers of each sub-committee, known as “Terms of Reference”, are decided by the
relevant sub-committee but must be approved by the Management Committee.
RHPA current sub-committees are as follows:
a. Strategic Sub-Committee
b. Facilities Sub-Committee
c. River Heads Reserve Sub-Committee
d. Community Gardens Sub-Committee
e. Events Sub-Committee
f. Radio Sub-Committee
g. River Heads Markets Sub-Committee
Fishing Club – is an incorporated association and as such is an affiliated of RHPA.
1. The River Heads Fishing Club was formed in about 2009. It was initially a sub-committee of RHPA but incorporated as a separate legal entity in about 2018. Prior to Fishing Club incorporation, the RHPA secured a grant from the Community Gambling Fund to build a shed and buy a trailer predominantly for Fishing Club use. The arrangement with Fishing Club is as follows:
a. The Fishing Club has free use of the community hall and its amenities for its fish meets once a month and as required for meetings, functions etc.
b. Ensuring cleanliness of amenities including the Bar.
c. Bar proceeds from the Fish Meets and other Fishing Club functions will be retained by RHPA – RHPA will provide necessary floats.
d. Fishing Club trophies, etc will be displayed on community hall walls along with record boards etc.
e. Under its constitution the River Heads Fishing Club Inc requires all fishing club members to be members of the Progress Assn.
f. As part of this arrangement, all Fishing Club members will have membership of RHPA on a % fee basis.
g. The shed and trailer will continue to be used predominantly by the Fishing Club on an ongoing basis or until such time as either party decides this arrangement is no longer valid.
2. It is to be noted that this arrangement has worked very satisfactorily for both parties and continues to do so.
Auditor: (cannot be a member of the RHPA)
Examines the books of the RHPA and prepares an Auditor’s report for presentation at the Annual General or Special General Meeting (refer to correct level of Incorporated Assoc. to determine what qualifications are required)
Honorary Solicitor:
Advises RHPA on any legal matters as necessary.
Returning Officer: (cannot be a member of the RHPA)
1. Acts as Returning Officer at Annual General and/or Special General Meetings where
positions are being filled
2. Ensures voting is conducted in accordance with the RHPA’s Constitution
3. Conducts secret ballot if required
Sponsorship Guidelines Development
The goal of this document is to identify and work with all stakeholders to develop sponsorship guidelines for the RHPA and its sub-committees.
1. RHPA has developed a sponsorship program to obtain funding as well as contra products and services to achieve its long-term strategic goals as per the Strategic Plan.
2. Through the sponsorship program RHPA will develop long term win-win relationships. Businesses can market themselves while helping the RHPA. Sponsors will be approached with this principle in mind.
RHPA defines sponsorship as a relationship where we promote a business/product in return for the supply of cash or product. This differs from philanthropy and/or government support in that there is promotion expected in return.
Situational Analysis
1. The current situation is that sponsorship has been sought in a formal manner, particularly for Riverfest. People/Companies offer donations of product or services and RHPA decides how to use them. These guidelines will make the process more structured and allocate resources to sponsorship.
2. RHPA will work with the stakeholders in seeking and securing sponsorship, collecting data to compile into reports for sponsors and servicing the sponsorship.
3. Each stakeholder will provide collected information to RHPA Social Media Coordinator within a week of any event. This will then be collated and reported to the sponsors and Committee monthly and the general membership at each General Meeting.
Exclusions & Restrictions
Tobacco/Vaping Companies – RHPA will not accept sponsorship from this business sector due to its product’s adverse effect on the health of the community.
Certain Personal and/or Sexual Products – RHPA will not accept sponsorship from this business sector as it is considered inappropriate for a community organisation to advertise these products.
Processes and Procedures
Approach protentional sponsons depending on individual requirements of the event, In the following order:
a. Initial Approach to sponsor
b. Collect Data
c. Report to sponsor
d. Renegotiate.
e. Delegations
The Management Committee of the RHPA will be responsible for final approval of financial delegations, receiving, selling and approving sponsorships.
Approvals and Contracts
1. The Management Committee (with recommendations from Social Media Coordinator and stakeholders) will determine what benefits are available to potential sponsors by listing all benefits that RHPA can offer and creating a structure which will distribute these over different levels of sponsorship.
2. Secretary will be responsible for the drawing up of an easy-to-understand sheet to explain this to potential sponsors. RHPA benefits list will be reviewed on a yearly basis.
3. The Management Committee is responsible for securing sponsorship of the RHPA.
4. Any person is welcome to suggest a potential sponsor to Management Committee.
5. All sponsorship contracts must be presented to Management Committee for approval.
6. Sponsorship contracts must be signed off by the President and at least one other Executive committee member.
7. Sponsorship contracts will be drawn up for any sponsorship in excess of $500.00.
8. For sponsorships less than $500.00 a letter of agreement will be drawn up.
9. All contract and letters of agreement templates will be scrutinised by the RHPA
Honorary Solicitor.
Review and Evaluation
These Sponsorship Guidelines will be reviewed annually (or as required) by the Management Committee and any changes and recommendations will be submitted to Management Committee for approval.
Sponsorship Categories
Platinum Sponsorship: $6,000
➢ Overall naming rights to RiverFest
➢ 12 months free advertising in RH Review
➢ 12 months free advertising on www.riverheads.org.au
➢ Signage at community hall
➢ 4 tickets to Sat evening function
➢ Free market stall
➢ Presentation of trophy to winner of events
➢ Media advertising
Gold Sponsorship: $3,000
➢ Naming rights to individual event
➢ 6 months free advertising in RH Review
➢ 6 months free advertising on www.riverheads.org.au
➢ Signage at Community Hall
➢ 2 tickets to Sat evening function
➢ Media advertising
Silver Sponsorship: $1,000
➢ 6 months free advertising in RH Review
➢ 6 months free advertising on www.riverheads.org.au
➢ Signage at Community Hall
➢ 2 tickets to Sat evening function
➢ Media advertising
Bronze Sponsorship: $500
➢ 3 months free advertising in RH Review
➢ 3 months free advertising on www.riverheads.org.au
➢ Signage at Community Hall
➢ 2 tickets to Sat evening function
➢ Media advertising
In-kind Sponsorship:
➢ Donations of items, produce and/or raffle prizes
The RHPA holds a Peppercorn lease from Fraser Coast Regional Council for the community hall and the parkland area excluding public toilets, BBQ, shed and children’s playground. The Lease document is located in the filing cabinet in the office at the hall. Under the terms of the Lease, the RHPA must seek Council approval to undertake any improvements in the hall and/or parklands.
1. The RHPA holds $20 million public liability insurance. This insurance covers the hall
and has been extended to cover the grounds outside the hall as well, including the Fishing Club shed and the Reserve Shed.
2. The insurance brokers used by RHPA are Regional Insurance Brokers.
3. The RHPA also holds Building & Contents Insurance cover as well as Volunteers’
4. The RH Markets stall holders have to have their own public liability insurance if they don’t have this, they MUST sign an indemnity Form prior to commencement of the event. RH Markets Manager on duty is responsible for this aspect.
5. All insurance renewals will be sent to the Treasurer via email.
Website Policy
1. The website of the RHPA is located at www.riverheads.org.au
2. The RHPA Facebook page is updated by the Webmaster or Social Media coordinator or a person designated by RHPA
3. The RHPA reserves the right to refuse to publish any material considered inappropriate.
4. The views expressed in any content of the website are not necessarily those of the Management Committee, members of RHPA or the community in general.
Review Policy
1. The River Heads Review is the newsletter of the RHPA. The Review is distributed monthly.
2. The Review content is prepared by the Review Editor and forwarded to President and/or one other committee member for proof-reading.
3. After proof-reading, the Review is returned to Review Editor for updating and forwarding to Webmaster for upload to website.
4. The Review Editor arranges prints and collates in time for distribution in the first week of the month. Copies are distributed to local businesses and shopfronts.
5. Hard copies of the Review are also available at the Community Hall. The Review is also distributed electronically by email via a website lint to those residents requesting electronic cop & on our Facebook page RHPA.
6. Publishing of the Review relies heavily on the advertising funds generated from advertisers in the Review.
7. The policy surrounding content in the Review is determined by the Management Committee.
River Heads Progress Assn Inc. is an apolitical and non-partisan, not-for-profit organisation. The views expressed in the Review are not necessarily those of the RHPA.
Letters to the Editor may be printed if space permits, provided they are not libellous, obscene, personal attacks on individuals or organisations or do not contravene the goodwill and intent of the RHPA Mission Statement. The RHPA reserves the right to refuse to publish any article not considered suitable. It is to be noted that views expressed in articles in the Review are not necessarily those of the RHPA.
Licensing & Accreditation
1. An event includes a special function at the hall, particularly Anzac Day; RiverFest; Melbourne Cup Day and any other event as determined by the Management Committee
2. An events sub-committee meets as required to discuss planning for individual events. This to be noted on an updated events calendar by the Events co-ordinator.
3. Certain protocols must be observed in regard to ceremonial functions; eg Anzac Day as follows:
a. Ensure Australian Flag is available (kept in filing cabinet in office). Flag must be dropped at sunset and is not to come in contact with the ground at any time.
b. Ensure music is available
c. Ensure the National Anthems are available (kept in filing cabinet in office)
d. Ensure Last Post is available
e. Ensure guest speakers/dignitaries are invited if required Work closely with Duty Officer on the day of the function
f. Remind Kitchen staff to keep noise to a minimal.
Hall Bookings
The Association will form, foster and support community groups utilising the Hall
The Management Committee of the Association will appoint a person to oversee, record and report on all bookings of the Hall (Hall Booking Coordinator)
The Hall Booking Coordinator of the Association will ensure the hiring of the hall is promoted and advertised in a variety of mediums
The Management Committee will determine the hiring fee of the Hall and review on a regular basis
Friday Evening use of Pool Table
The pool table is available for members/visitors use on Friday evenings. However, Friday evening is not a designated pool night and normal competition pool rules will not apply. The pool table is not available for private functions.
1. Various fundraising events, as approved by Management Committee, are held periodically throughout the year.
2. A raffle is conducted each Friday night, at Riverfest and at the Christmas function.
Financial Processes and Banking
1. The RHPA operates banking accounts at Bendigo Bank Pialba. The accounts are as follows:
a. Trading Account
b. Everyday Saver – Debit Credit Card
c. Tourist Radio Account
d. Grants Account – SIDA
2. All RHPA accounts held with banks, including subcommittee accounts, are exempt from account debit tax. This exemption can be claimed by submitting the form DT2 Application for exemption from payment of debits tax. (This form is also available from banks or the Office of State Revenue.)
3. Wherever possible, the RHPA as a non-profit incorporated association, uses internet banking to minimise bank charges.
4. Following approval at a Management Committee meeting, the President should sign the bank form requesting establishment of any accounts opened in the name of the RHPA. The authorised signatories on the accounts are President, Secretary, Treasurer.
Sub-Committee Bank Accounts
1. The number of sub-committee accounts must be kept to a minimum. This can be achieved by using separate columns for each activity in the Cashflow Software Packages.
2. Under NO circumstances are the Sub-Committee to open a separate bank account.
Electronic banking
The use of electronic banking is permitted. Two authorised persons are required to authorise payments. EFTPOS facilities are also available.
Keeping Accounting Software
The Treasurer of the RHPA is the person authorised to maintain the books of the RHPA. For each bank account the authorised person must keep a record. This record must clearly show the source and date of receipts and purpose of payments. The RHPA uses Cashflow software package to record receipts and payments and create invoices and reports
Receiving money
1. All monies received by RHPA must be recorded and receipted.
2. Records should identify from whom the monies where received, the date and the nature of income. All collections must be banked in full as soon as possible.
1. The Treasurer is responsible for ensuring the floats are:
a. Made available in a timely fashion.
b. Clearing cash from safe in a timely manner.
c. Ensure Membership Draw Money is at the Hall every Friday evening in a timely manner.
2. In conjunction with the Treasurer, the rostered person will run through café dockets and answer any questions Treasurer has.
3. The rostered person is responsible to ensure all cash/takings the rostered person is to deposit in the safe at the end of their duty for the Treasurer to collect. If the Treasurer or Assist Treasurer is present, you can hand the float to them.
Banking procedures
1. The rostered person must be responsible for collecting and counting all money and must sign the supporting documentation, for example the daily takings sheet. The person responsible for the actual cash handling will count money and sign and have another person countersign. The Treasurer who will re-count and sign off on the takings.
2. All banking should be done as soon as possible.
The Treasurer must ensure records are sufficiently detailed to allow the identification of sources of income and timing of banking. This is emailed to the President and Secretary. This is necessary because bank statements show only the total of money banked.
Debit Mastercard
1. The debit card is kept by the President. A second and third credit card is kept by the Food Manager and Bar Manager.
2. To ensure the purchase is correctly entered into Cashflow, the following procedures must be followed:
a. Write on the docket what the purchase is for example (ie, Bar, Café, Morning Tea, etc).
B. The docket is to be placed in the lockbox located in the Office door, within 1 or 2 business days at the most after the purchase date. This is really important!
The EFTPOS terminal is in the office near the radio transmitter cabinet. It is connected to NBN. When in use, machine power cord must be removed and used as follows:
a. Enter cash amount – hit Enter
b. Follow instructions on window of terminal
c. Remember to ask the Customer if they would like a receipt. If no, then hit no on the terminal to stop the customer receipt been printed.
Help desk is available 24/7 and the telephone number is located on the EFTPOS terminal.
Square Terminal Instructions:
Travelling Allowances:
1. Travel on RHPA business to outlying areas eg Howard, Maryborough or 50km distant and return will be reimbursed at the rate of $15.00 per trip. Prior approval of the Treasurer is required.
2. Travel to and from Hervey Bay or close areas in the normal carrying out of RHPA roles on a regular basis will not be reimbursed and such travel should be restricted to once per week if possible and coincided with personal shopping to reduce the need for additional travel.
3. Travel to Hervey Bay and close areas and return on a one-off basis eg purchase of maintenance products etc. for RHPA work will be reimbursed at the rate of $10 per trip. Prior approval of the Treasurer is required.
RHPA Emergency Power Outage Procedures
Fridges and Freezers
In the event of a power outage at the hall the following procedures must be followed:
1. When discovered, report immediately to President (0499 992 442), Vice President, Food and Bar Coordinator or Secretary
2. President, Vice President, Food and Bar Coordinator or Secretary will immediately inform the following:
a. Electrician – Paul Hull (mobile no. 0409267713)
b. Food Manager
c. Bar Coordinator
3. Food Manager (or nominee) will immediately attend hall to calibrate food to determine whether food is still fit for consumption
4. Food Manager will remove all spoiled food and prepare itemised list and estimate cost with photo of loss
5. For extended outages, Bar Coordinator will attend hall and assess spoiled and loss of Bar items. Prepare itemised list and estimate cost with photos of loss.
6. Secretary will obtain report for Electrician.
7. Secretary will obtain insurance claim form from Broker and lodge with Broker if loss is sufficient. Current excess is $500.00.
Food purchasing
1. Food is ordered Wednesday each week by Food Manager
2. Food is collected and stored Thursday each week by Food Manager
3. Food is prepared Friday commencing 2.00pm as follows:
d. Roster Co-ordinator will roster staff to prep vegetables, salads, roast etc during day Friday
e. A full list of prep duties is displayed on back of kitchen door along with copy of current roster and contact numbers of all volunteers.
f. Roast/s to be trimmed of excess fat, rubbed with olive oil and go into oven by 2.45pm for a 5.30pm serve commencement depending on weight – allow 1 hour per kg at medium oven
4. Paid kitchen staff will arrive at 4pm and will also leave specific instructions for prep volunteers if not the usual.
5. Wednesday night pool players will set up cafe tables
6. Event Coordinator will:
a. Lay tables with tablecloths, centre pieces and salt & pepper
b. Wrap knives and forks in napkin ready for service Friday evenings.
7. Prep volunteers will:
a. Set tea/coffee for self-service.
b. Set up till table with docket books, pens etc and plug in and turn on the buzzer. Once the buzzer system is turned on, each buzzer needs to be lifted and placed back on the cradle for them to change (make sure they are flashing).
8. Roster Co-ordinator will roster staff to do plating, till, door and bar.
9. Clean-up is done by paid cleaning staff
10. The kitchen is restricted to kitchen staff only and covered footwear must be worn at all times. Hands must be thoroughly washed when entering or re-entering kitchen and gloves must be worn for food preparation and changed on a regular basis.
11. Any person who needs to enter the Kitchen must knock and wait for a reply before entering.
12. Four prep co-ordinators are appointed to oversee preparation of food each week on a roster basis. Prep Coordinators will work closely with Food Manager and Chefs.
All bar staff to comply with ‘Responsible Service of Alcohol’ requirements and all staff to adhere to the regulations.
Duty Officer
A Duty Officer will be rostered to be in attendance at all times when the bar/hall is open for functions.
The Duty Officer’s responsibilities will be as follows:
a. Arrive at the hall approximately 30 mins prior to hall opening.
b. Check that all fans/aircon are on, if required, down lights, doors and windows open if no aircon. Due to glare created by fluorescent lights these must only be used for daytime functions. Downlights to be used for evening functions
c. Be seated at the door to the Hall to meet and greet members and their guests.
d. Ensure all guests sign the Members’ Guest Register if not members
e. Assist where requested; eg raffles, members draw etc.
f. Monitor behaviour and dress code of patrons and take appropriate action when required. Report any behaviour problems to Management Committee
g. Ensure kitchen staff have closed down; eg pilot light on stove/oven is off; extractor fans are off; bain marie is off; air conditioner is off; kitchen locked
h. Ensure lights, fans etc. are turned off
i. Ensure all windows and doors are securely locked or arrange for this to be done
Kitchen and Cleaning Staff
1. Chef is paid at a negotiable rate for Friday night café, events or special occasions.
2. The Chef is to:
a. Attend hall at 4pm Fridays to check all preparation is in order.
b. Advise prep coordinator in advance of any special requirements.
c. Provide weekly list (via whiteboard) to Food Manager of all requirements for kitchen.
d. Make suggestions to Food Manager on Chef’s Special Meal
e. Make recommendations and report any concerns to Food Manager
Events payment are pre-approved by Committee and all interested parties.
1. The Friday Kitchen Hand is paid $20.00 per hour.
2. The Hall Cleaning is paid $25.00 per hour (normally takes 2hrs).
3. Hall Cleaner will be given a list cleaning jobs.
Friday During Day (or anytime Thursday if that suits you better)
➢ Sweep Hall
➢ 10 Tables and 6 Chairs on each table will already be set out by Pool Players Wednesday night
➢ Put Tablecloths on Tables
➢ Put Centre pieces on Tables
➢ Clean Toilets and check toilet paper supplies
➢ Wipe all door handles with antiseptic wipes
Friday 7.30PM
➢ Replace condiments to either pantry or fridge. This will be done by Kitchen Staff Friday Evening.
➢ Rinse dishes/cutlery and place in dishwasher
➢ Wash large cooking pots/utensils & grill plates
➢ Sweep and mop kitchen
➢ Wipe and sanitise kitchen benches
➢ Put rubbish out and replace bin liners
➢ Ensure all doors locked and PA cupboard is Locked
Saturday Morning (Or anytime Saturday or Sunday)
➢ Sweep Hall
➢ Stack clean dishes under bench ETC
➢ Check toilets, empty bins and wipe hand basins
➢ Advise Food & Beverage Manager 0404 469 426 of any supplies needed
➢ DAMP Mop Hall and Toilet floors (NOTE: Damp mop hall floors must not be too wet)
➢ Filter oil in Fryers
➢ Clean glass doors
➢ Dust pool lights and TV stand
➢ Clean office and Bar
4. When conducting additional cleaning advised by the President or Café Manager, they are to advise the Treasurer via email what was cleaned and hours taken.
5. Reports to Food Manager.
1. The laundry is paid at flat rate of $40.00 for Friday Café.
2. Events will be paid via an itemised Invoice showing what items, how many where laundered, machines used, and the cost involved for usage of the machine.
3. Events laundry labour is paid at a rate of $20.00 per hour, except Fundraiser Events were no charge is paid for labour.
4. The invoice is to be emailed to the Treasurer within 7 days of completion of laundry.
Grievance Procedure
(compiled in accordance with sample procedure of Office of Fair Trading)
Purpose: The grievance procedure can help resolve disputes with other members, the management committee, or the association itself. The grievance procedure can be used by a member or former member.
Formal grievance procedure:
1. To start the grievance procedure, the other party must be advised in writing. It is important to note that a formal grievance process cannot be started regarding a matter for which a person has been subject to disciplinary action or for which a disciplinary procedure or investigation is ongoing.
2. Both parties have 15 business days from when the other party becomes aware of the formal grievance to try to resolve the issue between themselves. If resolution cannot be reached within that time (including if one of the parties refuses to participate), the matter will proceed to mediation.
3. Both parties will have 10 business days to advise the association’s secretary that the matter is to be taken to mediation.
4. To commence mediation, the Association Secretary must be advised in writing within 10 business days that the dispute has been unable to be resolved. If the dispute is with another member, the management committee must be advised of:
a. the parties to the dispute
b. what the dispute is about
c. the attempts made by both parties to resolve the dispute.
5. The management committee must ensure the matter is referred to mediation. “The requirement to advise the other party in writing is needed as evidence.”
1. Mediation must occur within 30 business days of the appointment of the mediator. However, if the mediator is appointed by a Queensland Government Dispute Resolution Centre, mediation must occur on the date set by the Dispute Resolution Centre.
2. The mediator must be a person chosen by agreement between the parties. If parties cannot agree on a mediator, the mediator will be chosen depending on the nature of and parties to the dispute. If the dispute is between members, a mediator will be appointed by the management committee. If the dispute is between another party and the management committee or the association, the mediator will be a person appointed or employed by a Queensland Government Resolution Centre.
3. A mediator appointed by the agreement of the parties or by the committee may be (but does not have to be) a member or former member of the association. In no circumstances will the mediator be someone who:
a. has a personal interest in the dispute
b. is biased in favour of or against any party.
The mediator’s role:
It is important to note the mediator cannot and must not determine how the dispute is to be resolved. The mediator’s role is to:
a. give each party every opportunity to be heard
b. allow due consideration by all parties of any written statement submitted by any party
c. ensure that natural justice is accorded to the parties throughout the mediation process. “The purpose of mediation is to guide disputing parties to a mutually acceptable outcome.”
Natural Justice definition:
The principles and procedures that govern the adjudication of disputes between persons or organisations, chief among which are that the adjudication should be unbiased and given in good faith, and that each party should have equal access to the tribunal and should be aware of arguments and documents adduced by the other.
Attendance at mediation:
1. Any meeting or mediation session required by these rules may be conducted remotely by electronic means if agreed to by the parties. If the mediation process does not resolve the dispute, the parties may seek to resolve the dispute in accordance with the Act or otherwise at law i.e., can be taken to the Supreme Court.
2. A party to a dispute may choose another person (with that person’s consent) to represent the party at any time during the grievance process. The nomination and consent must be provided in writing to the other party, the management committee and, if relevant at the time the person consents to be the representative, the mediator.
Effective 30 June 2022 incorporated associations such as RHPA must have a Grievance Procedure in place. The procedure can either be as shown in the OFT model rules or a customised version.
In any incorporated association disputes will occur from time to time. Under the grievance procedure a member may appoint any person to act on their behalf and each party involved will be given an opportunity to be heard. The grievance procedure must also provide for unbiased mediation if the dispute cannot be initially resolved amongst parties.
This change has not commenced and is subject to government proclamation.
The Management Committee of RHPA may take disciplinary action against any member who conducts himself or herself in a way considered to be injurious or prejudicial to the character or interests of the RHPA.
Disciplinary action will normally, but not necessarily, take the following form:
1. First Offence – verbal warning issued
2. Second Offence – written warning issued
3. Third Offence – membership cancelled, and member barred from attending the community hall for a period of time to be decided by the Management Committee
Rejection or Termination of Membership
As per the RHPA Constitution dated 23 September 2009 sections 10, 11 and 12.
V6 – October 2022 | River Heads Progress Association